Forum ISJ Arad

The Learning Teacher Magazine
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Autor:  marialuta [ Mie Mar 17, 2010 12:59 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  The Learning Teacher Magazine

Learning Teacher Network, incepand din anul acesta editeaza anual, un magazin, cu subiecte de interes comun pentru toate cadrele didactice din Europa. Aveti aici informatia/anuntul in original:

On behalf of the Learning Teacher Network and for your knowledge, I am proud to announce the new illustrated magazine produced by the network. The name of the publication is The Learning Teacher Magazine. It will be published four times a year, with a primary target group being teachers and school leaders at schools, and teacher trainers.

The publication scheme, the themes and other information - such as guidelines for authors - is posted on The Magazine can also be downloaded from this site.

Kind regards,
Magnus Persson

Network Coordinator
The Learning Teacher Network
European Gold Award Winner 2009

In speranta ca va fi in folosul d-voastra si a invatamantului aradean, va atasez revista.
Cu stima,

Maria Luta
Inspector proiecte

Fişiere ataşate:
The_Learning_Teacher_Magazine_1-2010.pdf [1.21 MiB]
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