Forum ISJ Arad

Partener LdV Italia
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Autor:  lupei [ Mie Ian 23, 2013 12:14 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Partener LdV Italia

Dear organization,

I write from Italy on behalf of "Istituto di Stato per la Cinematografia
e la TV Roberto Rossellini" (National Institute per Cinematography and
TV Roberto Rossellini) of Rome.
Promedia is a PLM Leonardo da Vinci project that aims to improve the
employability of young people graduated in Italian audiovisual schools
through the promotion of experiences of working and learning in
qualifying professional contexts of other European countries.

The Institute would like to send young people (18-30 years old) who
finished their high-school or university studies in the fields of the
project, and aims to propose them Mobility experiences abroad in the
sectors of: *organization, implementation and communication of
audiovisual products.*

*1. **Activities of the Partner*

* Providing conventions of stage for trainees in requested field;
* Finding accommodation in shared flats for the participants;
* Providing of language course (2 weeks), with final test and
certificate by an official language school;
* Transfer service from the airport at participants’ arrival and
delivery of cards for local transport to the participants;
* Tutoring and regular meetings with the participants of the project;
* At least 3 cultural activities;
* Final certificates for the participants of the project;
* Europass;
* Final reports.

We think that your organization may successfully join a partnership in
this project like Intermediate or Host Partner.

*If you are interested, please, fill in and send us back the attached
Letter of intent and the Partner Form. *

We are at your total disposal to give you all kind of information, so in
case we can see on skype.

Thank you very much for your attention. We hope to cooperate with you.

Best regards,

Maria Teresa Rossetti
European Project Management

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